How Conversational SMS Can Drive Engagement and Create Long-term Value

Text messaging has long been a popular technique used by companies to communicate with clients and increase sales. 

But like any marketing tool, conversational SMS marketing—two-way text messaging between businesses and customers—evolved into a new method of communicating with consumers.

Recent research indicates that 62% of consumers have been targeted by SMS advertising, with 43% of them having multiple subscriptions. This is where conversational SMS power resides.

This makes conversational SMS a powerful tool that may expand your company, enhancing client satisfaction and driving up conversions. You’ll gain deeper insights and a sharper perspective to improve your SMS marketing efforts from the parts that follow.

1. Diving into Conversational Texting

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the critical component of Conversational SMS. Two-way SMS communication must be established using conversations that provide customers and organizations with a genuine sense of connection.

Additionally, in the event that the AI chatbot is unable to react, human personnel are required to maintain consumer engagement.

In order to reach clients who are busy all day, you, as a business promoter, can have the power to keep them interested by having real-time conversations with them. 

Because of this, SMS marketing has become an effective strategy that can regularly compete with apps like Viber and WhatsApp. When used correctly, it is an excellent and trustworthy marketing tool for your company.

When you consider all of its benefits, Conversational SMS is a rather cheap investment. It allows you to employ a variety of marketing channels, which expands your audience’s reach and fosters real, meaningful relationships with your customers.

Using p2p text marketing for business is one useful tactic that can greatly increase client engagement and loyalty because it enables personalized, real-time contact.

2. A showdown of One-way and Conversational SMS

Which kind of Christmas greetings—an impersonal broadcast or a sincere note that allows you to respond and forge closer relationships—would you rather receive? The solution appears to be very simple. The same holds true for your company.

Let’s investigate more to learn the true distinction between conversational SMS and one-way texting.

The majority of companies currently employ one-way text messaging, running simple campaigns that receive few responses. This hardly costs anything and requires little work on your part.

Don’t get us wrong, one-way text messages are helpful for a variety of marketing initiatives that focus more on awareness and demand minimal interaction, such as:

  • Promotional offers
  • Updates and alerts
  • Order and payment notifications
  • Reminders
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Bulk SMS and business broadcasts

Nothing on this list requires interaction with customers. If that’s what you’re looking for, though, one-way SMS isn’t the best option. You may now wonder why, and the following is the response:

Not enough information

Your clients require all the information possible about your products before making a choice. However, occasionally, messages are not sent in full, which leaves no opportunity to assist customers should they run into difficulties.

After all, one-way SMS messages are one-sided, leaving clients on their own and resulting in frustration as your correspondence becomes impersonal and unlikable.

Lost Potential

One-way text messages won’t help you measure engagement or conversion rates because you can’t scale the number of users who opened your text or responded to your call to action. As a result, appropriate feedback is seldom given, and potential customers are overlooked.

It could be regarded as SPAM.

Every business owner’s worst nightmare, as unsolicited text messages from unknown numbers are typically interpreted with suspicion. Aside from instances where it’s a reputable brand or has some personalization, people may disregard it as spam or junk mail.

Benefits of Conversational SMS

Here are the most common benefits of conversational SMS to your organization:

  1. Maximized Revenues and Bigger ROI

95% of phone users typically read and reply to texts in three minutes, which means that your campaign will start to show results right away. So, conversational SMS is the way to go if you want to boost sales and maximize your earnings.

  1. Customers Will Relate

One aspect of your clients that you have no control over is their awareness level and the number of questions they will have regarding your goods or services. 

As a result, they will probe, aggressively test your company, and ask for assistance when required. By simply answering their questions, you can provide them with exactly what they need using Conversational SMS, improving client happiness and retention.

  1. Gives Human Value

In our current world, where materialism rules every aspect of daily life, everyone feels like a number. Therefore, cultivating a more human and individualized communication style is crucial to winning over new customers.

Clients will receive individualized responses to their particular questions and, more importantly, will feel as though they are speaking with a real person.

  1. Leads to Faster Response Rates

Given that SMS messaging has a 98% open rate—much greater than any other type of media, including emails—conversational SMS marketing is the best approach to boost consumer interaction.

Because it strengthens consumer ties with your brand, boosts brand loyalty, and aids in the accomplishment of your main objectives, Conversational SMS has an advantage over other platforms.

Conversational SMS

3. Use Cases of Conversational SMS

What is the purpose of conversational SMS marketing campaigns? Here are a few well-liked methods:

Answering customer queries

Probably the most straightforward approach to address your customers’ most urgent questions, like:

  • Troubleshoot various account issues
  • Questions concerning new or current goods
  • Use live chat on your website to assist visitors who might become clients.
  • Outlining modifications to the product’s pricing or description 


This is a given as eCommerce businesses that offer goods or services can make money from this service in the following ways:

  • Promote fresh goods or services
  • Encourage clients who left off with a transaction to return and complete the payment
  • Provide information on prices, including special offers and discounts. 

Private Updates

Engaging customers using conversational emails or SMS is a great way to boost sales, promotions, or holiday sales.

  • Special savings for customers on their birthdays
  • Black Fridays or holiday sales
  • New products or services 

Shipping Queries

Probably the most terrifying aspect of buying is getting a consumer to feel appreciated for more than just their money after they have made a purchase. You are able to:

  • Notify them when the order ships, let them know when it will be mailed, and provide additional details regarding the shipping method.
  • Track down any returns or inquire about their experience with the order once it is delivered.

Final Thoughts

Conversational SMS messages are an excellent marketing tactic for ensuring client satisfaction and winning their loyalty. Businesses have been praising this strategy as one of the best ways to boost sales, raise brand awareness, and improve consumer engagement. 

If your company can reassure potential clients and show that you respect their participation, you’ll win over many new ones.


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